Thursday, February 3, 2011

"What's in a name?"

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet

Violet Rachel? Violet Caroline? Violet Evelyn? Violet June? Violet Maxine? Violet Miriam? Violet Blair? Violet Nadine?
So we still have not decided on our sweet daughter's middle name. For some reason Clay and I cannot decide. We feel like the name "Violet" was meant to be. It is the English version of the name given to her by her birth mother. So we want to be able to give her a middle name from us. Why is it so hard to decide? We love her so much, we just want it to be perfect I guess. Also, Clay has his favorites, and I have mine. I also want to keep her Korean name as a second middle name. But do I spell it "Bo Ra" or "BoRa" or "Bora"?  I really would like for us to make a decision before she comes home because her name will most likely be announced at church and I want to make "birth" announcements to mail out. I am not even sure when her name needs to be decided on for a birth certificate/social security card, etc. 

We love old names and I have spent hours looking through baby names of the 20's, 30's, 40's, etc.  We also love family names or a name after someone special to us.  Violet was also Clay's paternal grandmother's name, so its a good name. I love the name Rachel after reading "Uncle Tom's Cabin", I grew up knowing a sweet lady at church we all called "Miss Nadine" or "grandma Nadine" who never had biological children of her own but had more "children" than anyone I know. Maxine was both mine and Clay's grandmother's names. I have a great-great grandmother named Caroline and we also have a good friend named Caroline - and we just think its pretty. The others are just some we like also. It is so hard to decide. We also love the name Charlotte, but it does not sound good with Violet unfortunately. Faith always calls her Violet Paige because that is my mother-in-law's favorite name and they have decided that is what her name shall be, haha! So that will most likely be a nickname! After much debate over Faith's name when I was pregnant with her, her nickname is now affectionately "Faith Amy Maxine Louise James Wayne." You had to be there. 

We will keep going through names trying to decide. I just hope Violet likes her name we choose.  Who am I kidding? I think all kids wish they had a different name at some point right? LOL


  1. I love Violet Maxine. Violet Hope. Keep them coming!

  2. Today we asked the kids what they think her middle name should be and Aidan said "Luanne or Luna" and Faith said "Amy Truck"
