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One more month until your 1st birthday!!! |

December 8th we got an email from our agency with an update and 4 new pictures Violet! We just think she is so beautiful! I love her little fingers! I can't wait to hold them! Our update tells us she was 16.5 lbs in late November and she has 6 teeth already! She is starting to crawl too! Last week we also received our video! I wish I knew how to upload videos! It is of her and the foster mother opening the gifts we sent. They all laughed at the Spam, lol. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea?
The whole family is currently sick (except me) and it is 2 days til Christmas! I hope they feel better! I was sick with strep throat over Thanksgiving and stayed home. Luckily my family pretty much celebrates Christmas the whole month of December so we have already gone to Little Rock for the family party with my grandma, and the party at Clay's grandparents, and Faith had a church party and Clay & I have been to a church party. Unfortunately, Aidan's church party was a couple days ago and he was too sick to go :(. We are supposed to have Christmas at home and then at my parents on Christmas day. Then the next day we are supposed to go to my granddad's and then Clay's parents. That's a whole lotta Christmas! I hope everyone feels better soon! And I hope I don't catch it!
I sure have enjoyed the Christmas music (thanks to Pandora!), the decorations, the lights (can't wait to be able to go to Silver Dollar City next year thanks to tickets from my in-laws!), and the shopping - but BOY will I be glad when December is over! That means another month closer to getting my baby girl!! This is usually the fastest month of the year but it has really been draaagging on and on! Then I have to make it through January and February...I really hope I don't have to make it through March...but it is possible. I realized that the process starts up again on the Korean New Year, not January 1st so it will be even longer than I thought. Then it is typically a couple weeks to get Visa, then a couple weeks to get EP submission, then a couple more for EP approval, then a COUPLE MORE weeks for travel call...those weeks add up!!
In other news, it is time for me to begin packing up Violet's birthday package! We did send her Christmas package a few weeks ago, I will post pics later! For now, please enjoy this picture of a cute yellow-haired girl and 2 black cats.
I am praying your time goes fast! I will never forget the Christmas without Luci and how hard it was! We are in the new year now and I know it can't be much longer!