My baby girl is 7 months old!!So, apparently Clay and I had a breakdown of communication. I thought he had written a post about Violet turning 7 months and so I did not! I think about my precious daughter on the 21st of every month. I have also ignored my blog because it is just too painful sometimes. My way of coping during this agonizing waiting process has been to simply not think about it. Posting on my blog is emotional for me and it takes me a long time because I just cry and cry like a big baby and I typically have a 4 year old hanging on me every second of the day and there just isn't much time. But good ol' grandma wanted the little monkey to sleep over this weekend so I have time to write! Yay!
I have not seen a picture nor an update on Violet since June, and I am not even sure how old she was in those pictures/video. SO I wrote to my caseworker and she told me that a staff member was going to Korea in NOVEMBER! So I should be getting pictures, a video, and an update then! And that should also mean that I will be able to send another care package! I am so excited! I wish it was sooner! I have been keeping up with as many other Korean adoptive families in my agency that I know of and so far I have been noticing a pattern I am quite anxious and excited about! I don't want to get my hopes up, but speculation has lead me to believe that 3-4 families have been traveling EVERY month this year! And we are now #10 down the list (on the UNofficial waiting list on the forum) which could possibly mean we would be traveling in NOVEMBER! But I don't want to get my hopes up...really...Our 8-12 month wait would put us between February-June 2011. But if we travel in 3 months, I have soooo much to do! I have not gotten any of my education requirements completed! We have to complete a CPR class and lots of online classes and read lots of books! Oh boy, I am getting nervous!
In other news, my other baby girl had a fun Saturday the 4th! First, in the morning she was in our town's parade with her square dancing group!

Then later, her group danced at the annual Clothesline fair! And boy was she and her little group just the cutest EVER!

Here are my 2 oldest in the car waiting to go to the parade! Aren't they cute?!